Current Grant Cycle

Grant Information

The FML District funds semiannual grant cycles: one in the spring and one in the fall. In the Spring Cycle, applications will be available in February, due and reviewed in March, and awards made in April. In the Fall Cycle, applications will be available in August, due and reviewed in September, and awards made in October. Overall funding levels will be determined by the amount of Federal Mineral Lease revenue Mesa County receives, which is determined by the level of natural extraction activity on our public lands. The FML District plans allocate 50% or more of the funding received each year to the following year’s grant cycles. Up to 50% of the funds can be invested into the FML District permanent fund, as allowed under Colorado law.

General Information
Under Colorado law, the Mesa County Federal Mineral Lease District’s grant programs help alleviate social, economic, and public finance impacts resulting from federal mineral leasing activities in our communities, providing the greatest use of these financial resources for the greatest number of Citizens.

Our grant programs are compliant with federal and state law. Federal law limits how lease payments distributed to the MCFMLD can be used. Distributions may only be made to eligible entities: the state, or its political subdivisions. These eligible applicants may only use the distribution for eligible purposes: (1) planning, (2) construction and maintenance of public facilities, or (3) provision of public services. See 30 U.S.C. §191. All grant requests must fit within one of those three categories, or the grant application will not be considered by the MCFMLD.

Grant Programs
Because federal law requires that funds we distribute be used for (1) planning, (2) construction and maintenance of public facilities, or (3) provision of public services, we operate two grant programs along those lines.

The Traditional Grant Program typically funds new public works or other capital projects, their replacement or repair, and the associated planning, engineering, design, or architectural costs.  Funding is also available for public services addressing health, safety, and welfare impacts from federal mineral leasing activities, including but not limited to animal control, education, emergency services, protective services, recreation, social services, and transportation.

In its Traditional Grant Program, the MCFMLD will not fund more than 70% of the proposed project’s eligible costs.  A minimum of 10% of the total project costs must be a cash match from the applicant and/or partners.  In no case can funds set aside for contingency be used to fulfill the matching requirement.

The Mini Grant Program grants up to $50,000 with no matching requirement for projects aligned with the MCFMLD Mission Statement and federal law. An exception to the no matching requirement is any mini grant primarily for a planning project, which requires a fifty percent cash match.

The MCFMLD Fall 2024 Grant Application will be available for download in August. The application contains detailed information about the budget, eligible costs, matching and special considerations for planning grants.

Eligible Applicants
As political subdivisions of the State, municipalities, school districts, public and state-controlled institutions of higher education, library districts, metropolitan or other special districts, and fire protection districts are eligible applicants under 30 U.S.C. §191. For-profit, private sector entities are not eligible. Non-profit corporations under section 501(c)(3) of the I.R.S. Code are not eligible applicants. The MCFMLD will not provide grants to individuals or for-profit entities seeking to start a business or expand an existing business.

Grant Applications
The timeline for the 2024 fall grant cycle is as follows:

Applications Available:  August 1, 2024
Applications Due at MCFMLD by:  September 6, 2024 at 3pm
Board Presentations:  September 18, 2024
Board Decision (Awards):  October 16, 2024
Fully Executed Grant Agreements
(recipients only) due:
 November 20, 2024

*The District Board reserves the right to take whatever time is necessary to make its final determinations.

Previous Grant Cycle
Mesa Federal Mineral Lease District awarded funds to projects in the Fall 2023 Grant Cycle.  For more detail about the awards made, please click here. MCFMLD Fall 2023 Grant Awards Press Release

The Fall 2024 Grant Cycle Opens August 1st.

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